Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hayden and Maddison - Homecoming 2009

Hayden, Maddy and Maddy's friend Holly - homecoming 2009

I know, I know, I am just as terrible as I thought I would be at keeping this blog updated! I only now sat down to update because I have pictures of Hayden and Maddison to post! They went to the Homecoming dance on Saturday and they looked so nice - and Maddy wore a dress!! It was semi-formal and she chose a dress that was short, so you could see all the bruises on her legs from crashing, but that just added to the Maddy-ness of it! :-) Hayden wouldn't give up the jeans, but at least he wore a button up shirt.

They each had a place to go after so I was home alone again - I have to tell you I am NOT liking this at all!! At least Shady was with me, but she doesn't talk nearly enough! :-)

P.S. Lake City lost the homecoming game. :-(