Sunday, December 21, 2008

beginner blogger

This is my first attempt at blogging, so give me a little bit to try it all out. I only started this blog because everyone else had one and I figured, why not? I will attempt to keep everyone up on the kids and all their happenings and pictures of the same. No guarantee how good it will be - I am NOT the writer that my daughter or sister are, but I can try and keep up.

This first blog will be my practice blog, so I will put in a few pictures of the incredible storm we had this week. It dumped 22 inches of snow on us in about 24 hours and about 30 inches over the whole 30 hours or so that it snowed. It created 2 snow days in a row (almost unheard of in North Idaho) and cancelled 2 basketball games for Hayden (and boy, was he mad!) Our own car could only make it part of the way home and after trying for 2 hours to dig it out, David finally left it down the street in a nice neighbors driveway and waited for the snowplows.


Sydney said...

Yay for Mommy's blog! I still can't believe the height of all that snow! I can't wait to keep up on your blog.

Mary-Leah said...

Yay! You started a blog!