Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I know, I know, I have been a terrible blogger! I am one of those "its just me" people that Mo talks about in her blog - nothing much interesting to say... But I have had a few note worthy experiences this last couple of weeks so here goes.
I got well and healed enough to go back to work to wait for my next surgery. I was back for 2 weeks and now I am home recovering from the next round of surgery until Feb. 18th. The achilles surgery went MUCH better than the knee. It hardly hurts at all and only really hurt for 2 days after the actual surgery. I am on crutches again until Monday, so its not nearly as bad! The worst part this time is the bandage that has to stay on until I go into a boot on Monday. (envision a rather large girl in a rather small tub to bathe - NOT a pretty sight) It has to stay dry and clean and I am a busy girl so I'm not sure whether I will be successful at either. Hopefully this will be the last of anything that I have to get done because I am more than a little tired of all this!
Hayden and Maddison have had several basketball games in the last couple of weeks and are both doing really well. Hayden has only lost two the whole year and Maddisons team is 2-2. Maddy is so excited for racing to start again! Her home track posted the racing schedule for this upcoming season this last weekend and she printed it out and circled all the races that her Dad is available for in about 2 minutes. She found out that it is almost all of them and she is thrilled. I will post pictures of her racing when the time comes.
David and I have been married 20 years today. It hardly seems possible! Congratulations to us! 4 wonderful children one son-in-law and 1 grandchild - not too shabby at all :-)


Mary-Leah said...

Happy Anniversary! I remembered it was your anniversary but I did NOT know it was 20 years. Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.

Sydney said...

Ditto what Mo said! I thought it was 19 years! Holy cow! I remember your wedding!!! :) I love you millions!

Mimi/Papa said...

We wish you a belated Anniversary, too! We can remmeber that cold, cold day in February, 1989, when we were trying to get up to the reception in Everett (I can't remember the exact city, but think that's right), anyway, it was a great day and everyone had lots of fun! You were a beautiful bride and your groom was a handsome dude in his morning coat with tails! wow!!!

WILD make my heart sing! LOLOL

Love you and give each other a hug from us! Mimi and Papa

Shelly B said...

Congrats a day late. I can't believe you've been married 20 years already.

It really doesn't seem like that long ago when I came to visit you guys in WA and Syndey was just a few months old.
